Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My own Character Profile

Basic Information:

Name: Ivanik Zigic
Age: 25
Nationality: Serbian
Hometown: Belgrade
Current Residence: Sopot
Occupation: Unemployed
Siblings (describe relationship): Only Child
Spouse (describe relationship): None
Children (describe relationship): None
Grandparents (describe relationship): Dead
Grandchildren (describe relationship): None
Significant Others (describe relationship): None
Relationship skills: Keeps himself to himself
Physical Characteristics: Short blonde hair
Height: 6 foot 2
Weight: 10 stone
Race: Caucasian
Skin color: White
Shape of Face: Rectangular
Distinguishing features: Mole bottom right of chin and harsh looking face
How does he/she dress? Simple clothes, jumper and jeans
Habits: (smoking, drinking etc.) Smokes and drinks
Health: Average
Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): Shabby, edgy
Greatest flaw: His edginess
Best quality: Strength
Which character from a thriller film is your character most likened to? Jason Bourne and Jack Torrance.

Intellectual /Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes:

Educational Background: Dropped out of school
Intelligence Level: Street smart
Any Mental Illnesses? Nervous twitch and violent behaviour
Characters short term goals in life: To get through day to day
Characters long term goals in life: To catch the man that killed his family
How self-confident is the character? Fairly confident
What would most embarrass this character? His twitchy eyes

How the character is involved in the Story:

Characters role in the thriller: Antagonist scene where the character first appears: The beginning scene

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